The third-generation semiconductor has the advantages of high breakdown voltage, forbidden bandwidth, high thermal conductivity, high electron saturation rate, and strong radiation resistance. It can be widely used in semiconductor lighting and other strategic emerging industries to promote and support the next generation of industrial reforms. . However, because traditional packaging materials cannot meet the high-power and high-energy emission characteristics of third-generation semiconductors, the aging of packaging materials has increased and the overall performance of the device is reduced and the lifespan of the device is shortened. There is an urgent need to create high-performance third-generation semiconductor packaging materials And preparation technology. This project is based on the chain research and development of "Scientific Basis-Key Technology-Device Evaluation-Industrial Application", using high-gravity preparation technology and nano master batch method to prepare transparent organic-inorganic nano composite encapsulation materials to solve the dispersion process of inorganic nanoparticles in organisms , Organic-inorganic nanocomposite packaging materials and device process balance two key scientific issues, breakthroughs in the design of the balance of weather resistance, thermal conductivity and optical properties of new packaging materials, and the efficient matching of organic-inorganic materials in the new UV-resistant and high thermal conductivity composite adhesives Key technical issues, create a series of new high-quality packaging materials, form a material and product system with independent intellectual property rights, and promote the development and growth of my country's third-generation semiconductor industry.