National Materials Corrosion and Protection Scientific Data Center
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出版物 Study on the microstructure optimization and mechanical properties of dissimilar TC4-304L arc-brazing joints Study on the microstructure optimization and mechanical properties of dissimilar TC4-304L arc-brazing joints 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 光电发射光谱法测定钛合金中硅含量 Determination on Silicon Content in Titanium Alloy by Photoelectric Emission Spectrometry 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 送进- 回转方式和退火温度对冷轧 TA1 合金无缝管组织和 力学性能的影响 Effect of Feed-rotation Modes and Annealing Temperatures on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Cold-rolled Seamless TA1 Alloy Tube 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 海水淡化用薄壁卷焊钛管传热及耐蚀性能 Heat transfer and corrosion resistance experiments of thin-wall curling-welding titanium tube for desalination 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 海水淡化用空心锥喷嘴喷淋性能理论及实验研究 Theoretical and Experimental Research on Spray Performance of Hollow Cone Nozzles for Seawater Desalination 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 Ti90 及其优化合金的组织与力学性能研究 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti90 and Optimized Alloy 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 Microstructure and tribological behavior of in situ synthesized (TiB+TiC)/Ti6Al4V (TiB/TiC=1/1) composites Microstructure and tribological behavior of in situ synthesized (TiB+TiC)/Ti6Al4V (TiB/TiC=1/1) composites 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 高强耐蚀Ti-Al-Nb-Zr-Mo合金的成分优化及组织和力学性能研究 Composition Optimization, Microstructure and mechanical Properties of Ti-Al-Nb-Zr-Mo Alloy with High Strength and Corrosion Resistance 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 高氯环境下MVR废水处理装备材料的腐蚀与防护 Corrosion and protection of mechanical vapor recompression distillation wastewater treatment equipment materials under high chlorine environment 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09
出版物 微量硼改性对钛合金组织和性能的影响 Effect of Modification with Trace Boron on Microstructure and Properties of Titanium Alloys 低成本高耐蚀钛及钛合金管材与高品质钛带制造技术开发及应用 2021-04-09