在本研究中,先在预磨机上进行预磨,然后在150、320、600和1000号砂纸上依次水磨,在抛光机上进行机械抛光,抛光后的试样置于4 ml 硝酸(HNO3) + 96 ml 无水乙醇(CH3CH2OH)混合溶液浸蚀10~20 s,在Olympus GX53光学显微镜中观察热轧态金相组织,NH2-400微观组织为粒状贝氏体,NH2-480微观组织中出现了上贝氏体。
In this study, pre-grinding was carried out on a pre-grinding machine, and then water grinding was carried out on sand paper 150, 320, 600 and 1000 in turn, and mechanical polishing was carried out on a polishing machine. After polishing, the sample was immersed in a mixed solution of 4 mL nitric acid (HNO3) + 96 mL anhydrous ethanol (CH3CH2OH) for 10~20 s. The hot rolled metallographic structure was observed by Olympus GX53 optical microscope. The microstructure of NH2-400 was granular bainite, while the upper bainite appeared in the microstructure of NH2-480.