超小蓝光钙钛矿量子点的实物照片,包括PbBr2团簇以及PbBr2-CsPbBr3 QDs在日光以及365nm紫外光下的照片,不同浓度Cs-oleate含量的量子点溶液照片以及制备图片的照片
Photos of the solutions of perovskite QDs, including the photos of PbBr2 clusters and PbBr2-CsPbBr3 QDs under sunlight and 365nm light, the photographs of PbBr2/CsPbBr3 QDs with different Cs-oleate contents,the photograph of PbBr2, OA and ODE after heating and cooling and the photograph of PbBr2, OAm and ODE after heating and cooling.