In this study, the CHF mechanism experiment was carried out in an annular channel according to the characteristics of the typical and cold wall thimble cell and rod bowing of the advanced fuel assembly. The effect of cold wall and rod bowing on the CHF was preliminarily revealed. The study has provided a database for improving the mechanism model of CHF and establishing a dimensionless CHF ralation and also provided reference for large-scale CHF engineering experiments. On this basis, the thimble(cold wall effect) cell and thimble cell with rod bowing(cold wall and rod bowing effect) CHF engineering experiments have been carried out at high temperature and pressure,which provides data support for the research of the influencing factors of cold wall and rod bowing effect, further reveal the effect of cold wall and rod bowing on the CHF and establishes a systematic and advanced evaluation method. This database uniformly describes and complies all data obtained by the above mechanism and engineering experiments.The mechanism CHF experiments contain 322 sets of data, the engineering CHF experiments contain 201 sets of data.