Philippe Marcus
Philippe Marcus is the director of research at CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) and head of the research group of physical chemistry of surfaces at the Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, at Chimie ParisTech, France. Marcus received his PhD (1979) in physical sciences from University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France. His field of research is surface electrochemistry and corrosion science, with emphasis on understanding the relationship between structure and properties of metal surfaces and oxide films at the atomic or nanometric scale. Marcus has received the Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award (2005) from The Electrochemical Society, Whitney Award (2008) from NACE International, Cavallaro Medal (2008) of the European Federation of Corrosion, U.R. Evans Award (2010) of the UK Institute of Corrosion, and the Lee Hsun Award of the Institute of Metals Research (2012) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a fellow of The Electrochemical Society (2005) and of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2009). He is currently chairman of the EFC Working Party on Surface Science and Mechanisms of Corrosion and Protection, chairman of the International Steering Committee for the European Conferences on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, and vice president of CEFRACOR (French Corrosion Center).