National Materials Corrosion and Protection Scientific Data Center
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标准 快淬金属分类和牌号 Designation and classification of rapidly quenched metals 特种软磁合金及应用 2021-04-16
标准 非晶纳米晶合金 第2部分:铁基纳米晶软磁合金带材 Amorphous and nanocrystalline alloy-Part 2:Fe-based nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy strips 特种软磁合金及应用 2021-04-16
标准 增材制造制粉用钛及钛合金棒材 Titanium and titanium alloy bars for additive manufactural powder 超细3D 打印有色/难熔金属球形粉末制备技术 2021-03-31
标准 球形钛铝粉末 Additive manufacturing with TC4 alloys powder by bed electron beam melting 超细3D 打印有色/难熔金属球形粉末制备技术 2021-03-31
标准 粉床电子束增材制造TC4 合金材料 Additive manufacturing with TC4 alloys powder by bed electron beam melting 超细3D 打印有色/难熔金属球形粉末制备技术 2021-03-31
标准 选区激光熔化用镍基合金粉末 Nickel-based alloy powder for selective laser melting process 超细3D 打印有色/难熔金属球形粉末制备技术 2021-03-31
标准 增材制造 金属粉末性能表征方法 Additive manufacturing—Methods to characterize performance of metal powders 超细3D 打印有色/难熔金属球形粉末制备技术 2021-03-31
标准 增材制造用铌及铌合金粉 Niobium and niobium alloy powder for additive manufacturing 超细3D 打印有色/难熔金属球形粉末制备技术 2021-03-31
标准 钛及钛合金粉末球形率测定方法 Measuring method for sphericity ratio of titanium and titanium alloy powders 超细3D 打印有色/难熔金属球形粉末制备技术 2021-03-31
标准 高温镍基合金粉末的特性表征及评价方法 Characterization and evaluation method of high temperature nickel base alloy powder 超细3D 打印有色/难熔金属球形粉末制备技术 2021-03-31