以高纯氧化钨粉、六水合氯化镍和去离子水为原料,采用水浴旋蒸法经空气600℃煅烧150min制备微量Ni添加的氧化钨粉体。XRD采集方案:测试范围为10-80°,扫描速率为5°/min,步长为0.02°。XPS采集方案:将样品压制成块,通过离子束对样品进行一定时间的溅射再采集图谱,使用 Al-Kα辐射。
Using high-purity tungsten oxide powder, nickel chloride hexahydrate and deionized water as raw materials, the tungsten oxide powder with trace Ni added was prepared by the water bath rotary steaming method and calcination at 600°C for 150 minutes. XRD acquisition scheme: the test range is 10-80°, the scan rate is 5°/min, and the step size is 0.02°. XPS collection scheme: The sample is pressed into a block, and the sample is sputtered for a certain period of time through an ion beam, and then the spectrum is collected, using Al-Kα radiation.