测试了裸铁,PLA涂层铁片,PMMA涂层铁片在hank’s溶液中浸泡不同时间之后的腐蚀情况。(A)Tafel曲线的测试腐蚀电流的原理(B)三种样品刚刚浸泡入hank’s溶液和浸泡28天之后的Tafel曲线 (C)在hank’s溶液中浸泡不同时间三种样品的腐蚀电位(左侧)和腐蚀电流(右侧)
Electrochemical monitoring of iron corrosion with and without polymer coatings in Hank’s solution. (A) Schematic presentation of polarization curve (left) and the determination of corrosion potential and current with Tafel curve fitting (right). (B) Potentiadynamic polarization curves of bare iron, PMMA-coated iron and PLA-coated iron prior to immerison test (left) and after immersed for 28 days (right). (C) Corrosion potential (left) and Corrosion current density (right) of bare iron, PMMA-coated iron and PLA-coated iron respected to immersion time.