National Materials Corrosion and Protection Scientific Data Center
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2019-02-27 18:24:29 作者:本网整理 来源:网络
1 加速腐蚀试验  accelerated corriosion test
2 加速氧化  accelerated oxidation
3 酸洗  acid cleaning
4 酸洗清洁剂  acid picking
5 酸洗清洁剂  acidic cleaner
6 酸度  acidity
7 活化  activity
8 激化能  activation energy
9 活化极化  activation polarization
10 活化剂  activator
11 活性的,活化的  active
12 活化金属  active metals
13 活化-钝化电池  active-passive cell
14 活性区,活化区  active zone
15 活度  activity
16 优级海军黄铜  admiralty brass
17 充气  aeration
18 充气电池  aeration cell
19 嗜氧菌  aerobic bacteria
20 老化  aging
21 老化作用  aging action
22 大气污染  air pollution
23 周浸试验  alternate immersion test
24 厌氧菌  anaerobic bacteria
25 厌氧菌腐蚀  anaerobic corrosion
26 阴离子  anion
27 阳极  anode
28 阳极极化  anodic polarization
29 阳极电流密度  anodic current density
30 阳极氧化物膜  anodic oxide coating
31 阳极保护  anodic protection
32 阳极区电解质  anolyte
33 耐侯性低合金钢  anti-weathering low alloy steel
34 外加电位  applied potential
35 水溶液腐蚀  aqueous corrosion
36 人造海水  artificial seawater
37 大气暴露试验  atmospheric exposure test
38 大气腐蚀  atmospheric corrosion
39 奥氏体不锈钢  austenitic stainless steel
40 辅助电极  auxiliary electrode
41 细菌腐蚀  bacteria corrosion
42 贱金属  base metal
43 双金属腐蚀  bimetallic corrosion
44 甘汞电极  calomel electrode
45 甘汞电极电位  calomel electrode potential
46 碳化  carburizing
47 阴极  cathode
48 阴极保护  cathodic protection
49 阴极极化  cathodic polarization
50 阴极电流密度  cathodic current density
51 阴极电流效率  cathodic current efficiency
52 阴极区电解质  catholyte
53 阳离子  cation
54 碱脆  caustic embrittlement
55 空泡作用  cavitation
56 空泡腐蚀  cavitation corrosion
57 空泡损伤  cavitation damage
58 空泡磨蚀  cavitation erosion
59 电池  cell
60 渗镀,渗碳  cementation
61 化学清洗  chemical cleaning
62 化学转化涂层  chemical conversion coating
63 化学钝化  chemical passivation
64 化学镀  chemical(electroless)plating
65 铬酸盐处理(铬化)  chromating
66 清洗液  cleaning solution
67 浓差电池  concentration cell
68 接触腐蚀  contact corrosion
69 转换涂层  conversion coating
70 恒变形  constant deflection
71 恒载荷  constant load
72 腐蚀  corrosion
73 腐蚀-磨蚀  corrosion-erosion
74 腐蚀疲劳  corrosion fatigue
75 腐蚀电位  corrosion potential
76 腐蚀控制  corrosion control
77 腐蚀电流  corrosion current
78 腐蚀电流密度  corrosion current density
79 腐蚀疲劳开裂  corrosion fatigue cracking
80 腐蚀疲劳极限  corrosion fatigue limit
81 腐蚀产物  corrosion product
82 腐蚀速率  corrosion rate
83 腐蚀科学  corrosion science
84 腐蚀试验  corrosion test
85 腐蚀失重  corrosion weight loss
86 腐蚀增重  corrosion weight gain
87 电偶  couple
88 电偶作用  couple action
89 开裂  cracking
90 龟裂  crazing
91 缝隙腐蚀  crevice corrosion
92 临界阳极电流密度  critical anodic current density
93 临界浓度  critical concentration
94 临界湿度  critical humidity
95 晶体  crystal
96 辅助电极  counter electrode
97 电流密度  current density
98 去活化作用  deactivation
99 脱合金元素作用  dealloying
100 脱铝  dealuminization
101 去气  deaeration
102 缺陷  defect
103 脱脂  degreasing
104 去矿化物质  demineralization
105 去极化  depolarization
106 腐蚀深度  depth of corrosion
107 沉积物腐蚀  deposit corrosion
108 脱锌  dezincification
109 扩散  diffusion
110 扩散电位  diffusion potential
111 差异充气电池  differential aeration cell
112 极限扩散电流密度diffusion limited current density
113 电流  electric current
114 电位  electric potential
115 电化学电池  electrochemical cell
116 电化学腐蚀  electrochemical corrosion
117 电化学当量  electrochemical equivalent
118 电极  electrode
119 电极电位  electrode potential
120 电极反应  electrode reaction
121 电解质  electrolyte
122 电解  electrolysis
123 电解清洗  electrolytic cleaning
124 电动序  electromotive force(Emf)series
125 负电性电位 electropositive potential
126 电泳沉积 electrophoretic deposition
127 电镀  electroplating
128 正电性电位  electropositive potential
129 静电喷涂层  electrostatic coating
130 脆化  embrittlement
131 磨耗  erosion
132 磨耗腐蚀(或冲击腐蚀)  erosion-corrosion
133 平衡电位  equilibrium potential
134 腐蚀极化图  Evans diagram
135 剥蚀  exfoliation corrosion
136 交换电流密度  exchange current density
137 暴露实验  exposure test
138 疲劳  fatigue
139 铁素体  ferrite
140 铁素体不锈钢  ferrite stainless steel
141 丝状腐蚀  filiform corrosion
142 弗拉德电位  Flade potential
143 剥层腐蚀  foliation
144 膜 film
145 微动腐蚀  fretting corrosion
146 燃灰腐蚀  fuel ash corrosion
147 电偶作用  galvanic action
148 伽法尼电池  galvanic cell
149 电偶腐蚀  galvanic corrosion
150 电偶对  galvanic couple
151 电偶序  galvanic series
152 热镀锌  galvanizing
153 恒电流的  galvanoststatic
154 普遍(全面)腐蚀  general corrosion
155 晶界裂纹  grain boundary crack
156 晶粒  grain
157 石墨化腐蚀  graphitic corrosion
158 重量法  gravimetric methods
159 绿锈  green rot
160 哈氏合金  hastelloy
161 热影响区  heat affected zone(HAZ)
162 耐热钢  heat resistant steel
163 热处理  heat treatment
164 高温腐蚀  high temperature corrosion
165 热腐蚀  hot corrosion
166 热镀铝  hot-dip alumizing
167 湿度  humidity
168 氢腐蚀  hydrogen attack
169 氢鼓泡  hydrogen blistering
170 氢损伤  hydrogen damage
171 氢电极  hydrogen electrode
172 氢脆  hydrogen embrittlement
173 氢致开裂  hydrogen induced cracking
174 氢超电压  hydrogen overvoltage
175 氢标  hydrogen scale
176 浸泡实验  immersion test
177 冲蚀  impingement corrosion
178 因科乃尔  Inconel
179 因科罗  Incoloy
180 工业大气  industrial atmosphere
181 缓蚀剂  inhibitor
182 晶间裂纹  intergranular crack
183 不溶性阳极  insoluble anode
184 晶间腐蚀  intergranular corrosion
185 延晶应力腐蚀断裂  intergranular stress corrosion cracking
186 内氧化  interal oxidation
187 内应力  interal stress
188 例子浓差电池  ion concentration cell
189 离子  ion
190 离子注入  ion implantation
191 刀线腐蚀  knife-line corrosion
192 激光釉化  laser glazing
193 层状腐蚀  layer corrosion
194 晶格缺陷  lattic defect
195 液态金属腐蚀  liquid metal corrosion
196 局部作用  local action
197 局部电池  local cell
198 局部腐蚀  local corrosion
199 海洋腐蚀  marine corrosion
200 马氏体  martensite
201 马氏体不锈钢  martensitic stainless steel
202 力学性能  mechanical property
203 金属离子浓差电池  metal ion concentration cell
204 金属喷镀  metal spray
205 金属镀层  metallic coating
206 微生物腐蚀  microbiological corrosion
207 金属粉化  metal dusting
208 混合电位  mixed potential
209 轧制铁鳞  mill scale
210 贵金属  noble metal
211 海军黄铜  navy brass
212 贵电位  noble potential
213 非金属涂层  nonmetallic coating
214 氮化  nitriding
215 过电位  overpotential
216 氧化 oxidation
217 开路电位  open circuit potential
218 氧化-还原电位  oxidation-reduction potential
219 氧化物  oxide
220 氧化膜  oxide film
221 氧浓差电池  oxygen concentration cell
222 钝化  passivation
223 钝化剂  passivator
224 钝化-活化电池  passive-active cell
225 钝化的,钝性的  passive
226 铜绿  patina
227 酸度计  pH indicator,acidometer
228 磷酸盐处理  phosphating
229 酸洗液  pickling solution
230 蚀孔  pit
231 点蚀  pitting
232 点蚀击穿电位  pitting breakdown potential
233 点蚀系数  pitting factor
234 点蚀电位  pitting potential
235 极化  polarization
236 动电位  potential dynamic(potentiokinetic)
237 恒电位仪  potentiostat
238 恒电位  potentisostic
239 电位-pH图  Pourbaix diagram,potential-pH diagram
240 底涂层  prime coat
241 保护电位  protective potential
242 氧化-还原电位  redox potential
243 还原  reduction
244 参比电极  reference electrode
245 相对湿度  relative humidity
246 残余内应力  residua interal stress
247 铁锈  rust
248 防锈油  rust preventive oil
249 牺牲阳极保护  sacrifice anode protection
250 盐水喷雾试验  salt spray test
251 喷砂  sand blasting
252 饱和甘汞电极  saturated calomel electrode(SCE)
253 氧化皮  scale
254 季裂  season cracking
255 选择性腐蚀  selective corrosion
256 选择性氧化  selective oxidation
257 自钝化  self passivation
258 敏化热处理  sensitizing heat treatment
259 喷丸  shot peening
260 银-氯化银电极  silver-sliver chloride electrode
261 慢应变速率  slow strain rate
262 土壤腐蚀  soil corrosion
263 剥离  spalling
264 不锈钢  stainless steel
265 标准电极电位  standard electrode potential
266 标准氢电极  standard hydrogen electrode
267 应变能  strain energy
268 杂散电流腐蚀  stray current corrosion
269 应力场强度因子  stress intensity factor
270 应力腐蚀断裂  stress corrosion cracking(SCC)
271 硫化  sulfidation
272 表面氧化  surface oxidation
273 表面处理  surface treatment
274 皮下腐蚀  subsurface corrosion
275 塔菲尔斜率  Tafel slope
276 失泽  tarnish
277 抗拉强度  tensile strength
278 热偶腐蚀  thermogalvanic corrosion
279 热力学  thermodynamics
280 结瘤腐蚀  tuberculation
281 穿晶腐蚀  transgranular corrosion
282 穿晶应力腐蚀断裂  transgranular stress corrosion cracking
283 过钝化  transpassive
284 膜下腐蚀  underfilm corrosion
285 均匀腐蚀  umiform corrosion
286 水线腐蚀  waterline corrosion
287 焊接腐蚀  weld decay
288 湿度  humidity
289 工作电极  working electrode



























