由于上述电化学腐蚀效应,Zn沉淀在更明亮的对比中高于β-LiZn4基体。图2(d)给出了图2(c)中Zn沉淀的衍射图。β-LiZn4 (HCP, a=b = 0.2782 nm, c = 0.485 nm)基体沿[1-213]βZn (HCP, a=b = 0.2665 nm, c = 0.4947 nm)[24]析出沿[2-1-10]Zn zone轴。从图2(d)中可以测得(10-10)β逆时针方向偏离(0002)Zn约4.5,因此方向关系(OR)可描述为[1-213]β/ /[2-1-10]Zn、(真空度)约4.5◦(0002) Zn。
Consistently, the Zn precipitates in a brighter contrast are higher than the β-LiZn4 matrix due to the aforementioned electrochemical corrosion effect. Overlapped diffraction patterns of a Zn precipitate in Fig. 2(c) is given in Fig. 2(d).The β-LiZn4 (HCP, a=b = 0.2782 nm, c = 0.4385 nm) matrix is oriented along [1-213]βzone axis, while the Zn (HCP, a=b = 0.2665 nm, c = 0.4947 nm) [24] precipitate is oriented along [2-1-10]Zn zone axis. It can be measured in Fig. 2(d) that (10-10)?deviates about4.5◦anticlockwise from (0002)Zn, so that the orientation relation-ship(OR) can be described as [1-213]β// [2-1-10]Zn, (10-10)βabout 4.5◦from (0002)Zn, which is reported for the first time as far as our knowledge.